Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Journey On" - Hertz 2010 Campaign

In Hertz's new campaign titled "Journey On", Hertz is attempting to emotionally connect with its current and potential customers. Instead of rambling off facts about the company and all of its services, they showcase different customers and the dependability they experienced while using Hertz. The campaign was created to express that traveling is more then just getting from point A to point B. It's about the "journey" that occurs between your starting and destination points.

The following clip is the TV spot that have aired during prime time shows such as "The Office" and "How I Met Your Mother". This particular spot showcased Amy Regan and her travel experiences.

The reason that I find this campaign to be "Swipe File" worthy is that it takes a new approach to showcasing a service or product. While most companies are interested in numbers and sales, Hertz is putting a face to the thousands of Hertz customers we as a consumer can identify with. This particular campaign reminds me of the Chase campaign that was aired back in 2005. Their approach was similar in the fact that they used the story of a real life consumer. A similar approach could be used in other organizations in the marketing and advertising of their products or services. In a world were consumers are bombarded with ads constantly it is important for companies to think outside the box in order to catch the attention of their target audience. Striking a cord emotionally is one such tactic that just might work.

The following clip is the TV spot that was run for Chase Banks. Similar to Hertz's commercial, an emotional undertone was used to speak to its customers.

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