Saturday, April 24, 2010

Going "Green" Isn't Just a Portland Thing

In the past couple of years people have become increasingly more aware of their impact on the environment and the future of our planet. Big corporations are no exception, and in fact many have reacted to these concerns by offering "green" alternatives to their past products and practices. One such company is Frito Lay and more specifically their SunChips line. In recent ads, SunChips has showcased their new compostable bags that are environmentally friendly. Therefore demonstrating that Frito Lay is an eco-friendly company that cares for the future of our wonderful planet earth. The following is a TV spot that was run for SunChips that introduced the new compostable bag.

People are so impressed and invested about this idea of compostable bags, it has spurred on a plethora of user generated videos on how they have implemented "going green" into their life. The following is a video found on the Ad Week website.

Many other companies have also recognized the need to "go green." Corporations such as Coke and their line of Dasani water have implemented the green cap in their product design which signifys that this product was made from up to 30% plants. Coke and its executives recognize the trend of consumers cutting back on drinking bottled water in efforts to help reduce waste. This campaign is therefore allowing consumers to feel a little less guilty when they enjoy that convenient bottle of ice cold Dasani water.

I think that is more important then ever for corporations to jump on this "go green" ban wagon. As consumers grow increasingly more concerned about the environment, it is going to be imperative that companies recognize this concern and react accordingly.

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