Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hurricane Simulator Say What?!

During my recent trip to the mall, my friend and I stumbled upon the "hurricane simulator". This futuristic looking device presented participants with the ability to feel what it would be like in a hurricane, or pretty similar at least. Participants were to pay $2.00, close the door, and feel winds that went up to 80 miles per hour. If you took video of your experience you could then submit the video online at The video with the most votes is rewarded with a $100.00 gift card. Why is this a genius marketing ploy? Well, participants are doing just that. Participating! A week later as I am doing my blog post I still remember the name of the company and I still remember the URL for the website, all because I paid a measly $2.00 to experience something fun and out of the ordinary. This type of marketing could be done with a variety of products and services. Placing unique and innovative participatory required experiences will allow your consumers to remember your brand and associate something fun with that brand. So, hop on the max head down to Lloyd center and experience a hurricane!

Here is a video of people all over the country experiencing a hurricane right in the comfort of their neighborhood mall!

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