Friday, April 23, 2010

There's Nothing Like Australia

Australia, home of Vegemite, Dingo babies, and the Sydney Opera House. All of which are superb excuses to take a trip to the wonderful continent south of Indonesia. Tourism Australia has recently launched their new campaign "There's Nothing Like Australia" which is accompanied by their interactive website and anticipated print, television and radio ads. Tourism Australia is interested in what makes you want to go to Australia, so they are calling upon their consumers to post videos and pictures of their adventures in this majestic, beautiful, and fabulous country! The following are just some of the sample photos that have been uploaded by travelers to the "Nothing Like Australia" website.

I don't know about you, but these photos sure do make me want to visit Australia. This genius advertising campaign encourages consumer interaction through posting of material that could inevitably be used in print ads and TV spots. In posting videos and photos, consumers are now invested in this campaign. Through participation, Tourism Australia is almost guaranteeing ad recognition and retention of its viewers.

Numerous different companies that offer both products and services can implement the idea of customer interaction in order to set their brand apart from others. Ads that are consumer generated aren't just your run of the mill ads, they are unique and hold a certain spot in a viewer's mind.

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